Chris Peterson FRSS / Sculptor | News

Work on this residence in a centuries old building in the historical centre of Zwolle, is nearing completion. Chris supervised the renovation and turned the rundown space into a modern light space with a strong emphasis on the history of the building.

More photo’s will follow soon. If you wish to receive further information on this project, contact the studio.



New model in the making

22 May 2015, Posted by chris in Uncategorized

This model in basalt will hopefully be executed five times its size. The sculpture, a follow up on the first ‘Black Moon Trickle’ sculpture made for Jimo City in China, will now find its way to Taiwan. The eventual size will be 250(H) x 130 x 80cm.


The Chinese don’t beat around the bush in terms of size. ‘Bigger is better’ in their perception. Even this 8 ton sculpture of almost 3 meters high, is considered rather small by them.  The sculpture titled ‘Black Moon Trickle’ will be installed in Jimo City in the near future.


Work commenced in China

24 Mar 2015, Posted by chris in Uncategorized

With a month still to go before I actually get on a plane to China, work already commenced on my sculpture titled ‘Black Moon Trickle’.

The sculpture in black granite will be placed in the City of Jimo.



It was a pleasant surprise to receive an invitation to come to China in April. Chris will make a large scale granite sculpture, approximately 4 m3 in size for Jimo City (Qingdao).  Chris is looking forward to this new adventure.  It has been a longtime desire to set foot on Chinese soil. Photo’s of my time spend there will be posted on the website. If you want to stay updated, sign up for the newsletter.

Chris is pleased to announce that he has been elected a Fellow of the Royal British Society of Sculptors. The letter he received stated the following:

‘Congratulations on your recent election as a Fellow of the RBS. This celebrates the commitment you have made to sculpture and to the Society and recognises the focus and quality of your work. You are now entitled to use the letters FRBS after your name. ‘

For info on the RBS please visit their website




Preliminary designs for EoI

07 Dec 2014, Posted by chris in Uncategorized

Chris has been extremely busy designing for several Expressions of Interest (EoI) in The Netherlands and abroad. Below an image of an initial design for a sensory garden for children with autism.


Black Box Project selected

07 Dec 2014, Posted by chris in Uncategorized

The design BLACK BOX made it to the last group of thirty proposals for the Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Commission (UK). The design consisted of high polished black granite sculptures which contained technology inside of them that enabled the public to receive information on their smartphones and at the same time, actively contribute to the work. The black boxes would be placed as a ribbon along the lagoon. The selected proposals were published in a book and presented at the Hay Festival of Literature and Arts.
